WAH-WAH AUSTRALIA x Brian Blomerth "Albert's Experiment" jumper
“Kaleidoscopic, fantastic images surged in on me, alternating, variegated, opening and then closing themselves in circles and spirals, exploding in coloured fountains, rearranging and hybridizing themselves in constant flux…”
-WAH-WAH customer testimonial
I kid! I kid! While you’d be forgiven for thinking this was a description of WAH-WAH’s signature knits, these are actually the words of the Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann describing the world’s first acid trip. On April 19, 1943, Hofmann deliberately ingested 0.25 milligrams of a new compound known as lysergic acid diethylalmide-25, started feeling a bit off, then proceeded to ride home on his bicycle. This story and the events surrounding Hofmann’s discovery of LSD have been retold in hallucinatory technicolour glory by New York based illustrator, Brian Blomerth in his book Bicycle Day.
We at Wah-Wah have been long time fans of Blomerth’s comics with their psychedelic style and anamorphic characters. Naturally, we are buzzed to take a trip into both Brian and Albert’s universe, and come out on the other side with the most spun woolly knits you ever did see.