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"Anna’s artwork is so complex and layered and not at all what I would have instinctively thought to adapt to knitwear, but I think that’s what makes this collaboration so exciting!"
-Kaylene (WAH-WAH)
Drawing from the iconography of our shared media consciousness, Park has created a chaotic, unsettling, yet darkly humorous vision of our contemporary, media-saturated existence. She explores the information age's most volatile sites of conflict: sexual identity, beauty standards, and the power of images to shape our reality. Her work illustrates how our ceaseless media consumption weaponises our deepest fantasies, entrapping us in a panopticon of anxiety and desire.
Now Anna Park’s signature style of black and white collage has been boldly transposed into the medium of wool by WAH-WAH! The result is a stunning, limited-edition knitwear tribute to this modern poet of the hyperreal.